
The Minor Use Fund offers Financial support for the authorisation of plant protection products and biological control agents. The authorisation costs of minor uses are relatively high in relation to the estimated returns generated by the limited sales of these products.

Due to the size of the harvests, speciality crops form a Fund's target group. Minor uses are a concern for both businesses and the government. The industry and government work together to ensure an effective package of measures is available for plant protection products.

The Foundation for Minor Uses Plant Protection Products (Stichting Kleine Toepassingen Gewasbeschermingsmiddelen) is an initiative of the Dutch Federation of Agriculture and Horticulture (LTO Nederland) and the Dutch Crop Protection Association (CropLife NL). The Foundation manages funds to provide support for authorisation costs of plant protection products and biological control agents in the Netherlands. The Fund offers the opportunity to expand the number of authorised uses of protection products or biological control agents for amongst others speciality crops, in the coming years.
